Site & Contents © 2025 Wasaw Enterprises • Couchiching First Nation Economic Development • Fort Frances Web Design by Studio Gibbous
for Far-Reaching First Nation Projects
Wasaw Project Inc. is a for profit corporation with one shareholder: Couchiching First Nation. Entrepreneurial and Enterprising community members were selected to represent the Corporation as board members. The Project team is composed of corporate employees devoted to excellence and far-reaching results for their clients. A growing company, Wasaw Project Inc. is focused on sustainable and effective small and large project management in Northern Ontario, and a good corporate citizen in the region which cares about the communities that it operates within. Business decisions in business time is a requirement for Wasaw Project Inc. the Board gives clear and well-visioned strategy to direct the company.
Our Corporate Philosophy is to be active in a learning and collaborative environment where ideas bring confidence and trust to the team. The organization is flat with functional responsibilities and the expectation is for self-starting, constant reporting and documentation that forwards all projects toward goals and milestones. Documents have utility and purpose and all documents are the result of actions taken and plans to be implemented. We consider timelines obligations that must be kept.
Our partners are respected and responsibilities of partners are managed by Wasaw Project Inc. so that cost of mobilization is lessened and strategic alliances strengthen the project value for our clients. Wasaw Project Inc. does the due diligence to ensure that suppliers and partners’ responsibilities meet project requirements and that the Project Team has control over project outcomes.
Christine Jourdain
Economic Development, Partner in Project Management
Christine started as an economic development officer in Couchiching First Nation in 1998. Since then she has managed small to medium AANDC-funded projects on behalf of Couchiching First Nation. Trained as a legal assistant, Ms. Jourdain has a tremendous skill-set to organize projects and manage time for the team. Christine Jourdain has policy experience and project management experience and a number of contacts in various governments and ministries within Ontario. Christine is very adept at funding of training programs and working with training program providers and consultants. Christine attends Wasaw Board meetings as a technician to the Board, providing guidance on policy, government programs and administration.
Associated Professionals
There are a number of other professionals that work with Wasaw Project Inc. The team is flexible in working with the client's named lawyers, consultants, architects and engineers and Wasaw Project Inc. has been trusted to assist clients in tendering these projects to listed and pre-qualified professionals. Wasaw Project Inc. is being mentored by a major engineering firm to build more and more capacity in capital projects. This company is also being mentored by a major accounting firm with a branch in Fort Frances, Ontario.